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St. Alban's uses the
The Ron Tindell Organ 2004 - 2009
16 ranks

8 AM Monday - Saturday

The daily Morning Office (Matins/Lauds) with a small Schola Cantorum, usually plainsong, but often Anglican chant canticles and teachings by Fr. Thierry Hakpon. The Morning Office includes:

  • rotating through the Psalter every six weeks

  • daily martyrology (history of the saints) according to the calendar

  • Office hymn for Lauds

  • the daily chapter (Patristic homilies) following the liturgical calendar

  • appointed scripture from the Book of Common Prayer lectionary

11 AM Sunday and mid-week on feast days

Sunday and weekday masses with a four-part choir.

Choir rehearsal at 10 AM and an hour before mass on feast days.

6 PM Sunday

Evensong with a Schola Cantorum includes:

  • Office hymn for Evensong

  • Canticles

  • Lessons

  • Sung versicles and responses

  • Psalmody

Schola Cantorum rehearsal at 5:15 PM.

The choir and Scholas are members of the Diocesan choir at all Diocesan events at St. Alban's Pro Cathedral in Richmond and at other Diocesan venues. Pro Cathedral houses all Diocesan music.

Many colleagues grace St. Alban's with their professional talents and, when available, our traditional Anglican worship. They are most often available when their ecclesiastical responsibilities do not coincide with ours.

Quire Organ

16' Subbass pedal

16' Salicional prepared

8' Principal

8' Rohrflote

8' Salicional

8' Celeste

4' Octave*

4' Flute*

4' Dulciana*

4' Lieblich Gedackt*

4' Piccolo*

1 3/5' Larigot

8' Trumpet

4' Trumpet*

Gallery Organ

16' Lieblich Gedackt pedal

8' Open Diapason

8' Gedackt Flute

8' Salicional

4' Diapason

4' Flute

4' Dulciana*

8' Trumpet

4' Trumpet*

Orchestral Chimes


Quire and Gallery Swell Boxes

Combination Piston Action

Two Manuals and Pedal

Pedal Organ

16' Lieblich Gedackt

16' Bourbon

16' Subbass

16' Salicional

8' Principal

8' Open Diapason

4' Principal*

4' Octave*

4' Flute*

8' Trumpet

4' Trumpet*

* extended

All stops are available on two manual and pedal organs with solid-state piston action providing some 60 different settings at the touch of a piston.

A small, portable Estes reed organ is also frequently used in the Quire.

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