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non-ACC in the mid-Atlantic area
Daily audio recordings of both Morning and Evening Prayer services, as well as transcripts of the services.
Podcast We Like
The Sacramentalists
The Sacramentalists is a podcast where the ancient Christian faith is brought to bear on issues prevalent in modern culture, with in-depth discussions on how theology intersects with our daily lives.
- used by the Church for Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church
Cantor - lead singer of propers (introit, gradual, alleluia, offeratory, communio)
Collect - a prayer that often summarizes the doctrine in the scripture lessons for the day
Consecration - the process of making something holy
Decalogue - the Ten Commandments
Fraction - breaking of bread and wine
Genuflect - bow, or slightly kneel, before the cross
Liturgy - a particular arrangement of services, or a particular form or type of the Eucharistic service
Missal - the book containing the prayers and rites used by the priest in conducting Mass over the course of the year
Vestry - a committee of parishioners who meet each month to conduct the official business of the church