Food Pantry
We seek to take the church into the community by meeting and serving our friends and neighbors.

Every Wednesday, our food pantry is open to clients from 12 PM to 2 PM. Clients include:
individuals/families referred by the Central Virginia Foodbank (Feed More) member agencies
social workers who bring individuals/families that they counsel
individuals who ask for food on a one-time basis
We serve clients from zip codes 23226, 23227, and 23228.
St. Alban's is a partner agency of Feed More, which allows the church to purchase groceries from them at the lowest price.
In addition, parishioners contribute shelf-stable food items and paper and plastic grocery bags. Donations may be placed in the labeled basket in the hall.
Each Wednesday, food pantry volunteers perform the following tasks:
at 7:30 AM, pick up our food order from Feed More and deliver it to the church, including loading and unloading the truck
stack purchased and donated food on shelves and in the refrigerator and freezer
dispose of packing boxes and wrappers
distribute grocery bags to clients
record the number of clients who are served
Please contact Eunice Green for more information.