Parish Life
Sunday Fellowship Meal
Each Sunday after the 11:00 service, we gather to enjoy a potluck lunch and each other's company. Please join us and, if you like, bring a dish.
Ladies of St. Alban's (LoSA)
The Ladies of St. Alban's is a social and service group that works together to:
raise funds for the church by hosting events such as:
plant sale
chili sale
silent auction
plan social events for church members such as:
visits to local attractions
spaghetti night
assist in community outreach events, such as manning a booth at the Celtic Festival
assist in hospitality-related events, such as Sunday after-church fellowship and special meetings of the diocese
Please contact Hilda Braswell or Eunice Green for more information.
St. Barnabas Guild
Members of this group:
visit homebound and ill members of our congregation
send cards for birthdays
Please contact Gail Hekman if you are interested in helping with this ministry.