Several classes are available, as well as are a variety of written resources.
Adult Sunday School 10:00 AM - We are currently studying the Book of Common Prayer page by page, discussing the theology and the liturgy of the contents.
Bible Study, every Wednesday 10:00 AM - We are currently studying the book of Nehemiah. This book is about not only rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and the Temple, but also to teach the people of God to remain faithful to God by observing the Law and listening to the prophet of God.
Anglican Catholic Class, every other Friday 3:00 - This is a new member class as well as a refresher for current members, reviewing what the Anglican Catholic Church believes and stands for. The class uses Anglican Faith and Practice written by our Archbishop, the Most Reverend Mark Haverland. The book may be ordered
For the current class dates, see the
Written Resources
- This Guide may be used by visitors and newcomers in place of the Book of Common Prayer.
Printed copies are available in the back of the sanctuary or from an usher.
Holy Communion (blue booklet) - This includes text from the Book of Common Prayer and the American Missal, with indicators for when to stand or kneel.
Printed copies are available in the back of the sanctuary or from an usher.
Library - We invite you to visit our expansive library. Books may be checked out.
St. Alban's Canon Newton Library