St. Alban's Anglican Catholic Church is a traditional parish located in Richmond, Virginia. St. Alban's is committed to Christianity as a way of life. Faithfulness to the ancient faith, reverence in worship, love for God and each other and holiness in life are the hallmarks of the parish. If you are seeking a church home, we invite you to become a part of our growing parish family! We will embrace you, pray for you, and encourage you as we strive together to attain the kingdom of heaven.
Christianity Unchanged
December Services
Tu 12/24 6 PM, Christmas Eve Holy Communion
W 12/25 10 AM, Christmas Day Holy Communion
Th 12/26 6 PM, Mass for St. Stephen, with supper after the service
F 12/27 6 PM, Mass for St. John, with supper after the service
Sa 12/28 8 AM, Holy Innocent (Morning Prayer)
January Services
M 1/6 6 PM, Epiphany, with Twelfth Night celebration after the service
Sa 1/25 8 AM, Conversion of St. Paul (Morning Prayer)
W 10 AM
W 12 - 2 PM
F 12/6 3 PM,
Su 12/8 10 AM, one service, after service - Annual Meeting
F 12/20 3 PM,
Sa 12/21 church work day - altar and brass
Su 12/22 Greening of the Church
Silent Auction ends
F 1/3 3 PM,
F 1/17 3 PM,
F 1/31 3 PM,
About Us