St. Alban's Anglican Catholic Church is a traditional parish located in Richmond, Virginia. St. Alban's is committed to Christianity as a way of life. Faithfulness to the ancient faith, reverence in worship, love for God and each other and holiness in life are the hallmarks of the parish. If you are seeking a church home, we invite you to become a part of our growing parish family! We will embrace you, pray for you, and encourage you as we strive together to attain the kingdom of heaven.
Christianity Unchanged
February - Additional Service
M 2/24 6 PM, Holy Communion - Feast of St. Matthias
March - Additional Services
W 3/5 12 PM and 6 PM (two services), Ash Wednesday
Tu 3/25 6 PM, Holy Communion - Annunciation
About Us
St. Alban's Anglican Catholic Church is a family of believers committed to living the faith once delivered to the Saints and received by the Church throughout the centuries. While ours is an ancient way, rejoicing in the tradition and piety of the early church, we are not a museum of religious antiquities but a living community of faithful people, reaching out to our neighbors with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
W 10 AM
W 12 - 2 PM
F 1/31 3 PM,
Su 2/9 after 11 AM service, Vestry meeting
M 2/24 after 6 PM service, supper
Tu 3/4 6 PM, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
F 3/7 6 PM, Lenten devotions and supper
Su 3/9 after 11 AM service, Vestry meeting
F 3/14 6 PM, Lenten devotions and supper
F 3/21 6 PM, Lenten devotions and supper
F 3/28 6 PM, Lenten devotions and supper
F 4/4 6 PM, Lenten devotions and supper
F 4/11 6 PM, Lenten devotions and supper
Su 4/13 after 11 AM service, Vestry Meeting